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MoCo Minute | New program launches to help families find affordable housing in Montgomery County

2+ day, 5+ min ago — 

...By leveraging the Nonprofit Preservation Fund, the county said it... ...Applications for support from the Nonprofit Preservation Fund will...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Montgomery County Public School Board testifies on Capitol Hill on antisemitism in K-12 schools

1+ week, 2+ day ago — 

...the leader of Maryland Jewish Alliance, a small organization working... ...Anti-Jewish hate crimes, bias incidents in Maryland have more than...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Maryland’s Montgomery County school board chief pressed about incidents of antisemitism

1+ week, 2+ day ago — 

...Schools, and Enikia Ford Morthel, superintendent of Berkeley Unified... ...leaders, including David Banks, chancellor for New York City Public...

favicon inquirer.com > politics > election

‘Ovaries!’ Kamala Harris and Abbott Elementary’s Sheryl Lee Ralph discuss reproductive rights in Montgomery County...

1+ week, 3+ day ago — 

...“Abbott Elementary” star Sheryl Lee Ralph joined Vice President Kamala... ...Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.... ...Karoline Leavitt, a national press secretary for Trump’s campaign... ...Sen Amanda Cappelletti, who represents parts of Montgomery and Delaware...

favicon masslive.com > news

Adoptive fathers feel Harmony Montgomery’s brother is being silenced by N.H. court

1+ week, 3+ day ago — 

...Adam Montgomery was found guilty on Feb. 22 of second-degree murder... ...Miller and Johnathon Bobbitt-Miller adopted Jamison and attempted... ...Harmony had several bathroom accidents in the car and Adam Montgomery... ...A judge is requiring Adam Montgomery to attend his sentencing on...

favicon yahoo.com > news

Montgomery County sees increase in black bear sightings

1+ week, 3+ day ago — 

...“I think a certain amount of wildlife would be a good thing,” Wald... ...“Perhaps if I was going to walk by myself,” Landstreet said....


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